Happy Baby, Baby!

Good morning and happy Wednesday, also, Christmas Eve Eve. I hope that everyone has gotten to their destinations safely, or is soon in route, and are with friends and family. And to those who may be working today (me…), end the day strong knowing that you have tomorrow off (hopefully)!!

This morning I visited my favorite yoga studio for an hour and a half of Vinyasa Flow. This morning we worked on the Warrior poses. These included, but were not limited to, Warrior I, Warrior II, Reverse Warrior I, Reverse Warrior II, Triangle, and Crescent Moon Pose. We finished the class with my favorite pose, Ananda Balasana, or Happy Baby pose.

Why is this my favorite pose…? Well, it’s just relaxing. You get a great stretch, you get to unwind from the class, and usually, it’s one of the last moves before Savasana (Corpse Pose- or Try Not To Fall Asleep Pose).
Tomorrow I have a big day planned. Since I am spending Christmas Eve and Christmas with my boyfriend and his family, I am included in their yearly tradition. Tomorrow night all of my boyfriend’s family comes over to the house and Mama Samaan and Dad Samaan (sorry couldn’t think of a better name) make an incredible five course meal for all of us, 20+ this year. I cannot wait! The food is better than anything you could order in a restaurant, for sure! I’ll be posting pics and descriptions after Christmas. Check back. So, for now…

Happy Holidays for whatever you may be celebrating.

Bloughts of the Day:

This calm steadiness of the senses is called yoga. Then one should become watchful, becomes yoga comes and go. 

-Katha Upanishad

Appreciation can make a day, even change a life. Your willingness to put it into words is all that is necessary.

Margaret Cousins