
Wow, again. Someday…. right?!

Well, I’m not there yet but I’m definitely sticking to CrossFit now… In fact, I’m liking it more and more. Check out my workout yesterday:

Warm Up (and stretches):
400 meter run
10 squats
10 flagpole stretches
100 m run
10 lizards
10 reach throughs
10 boot-strap stretch
5 Burpee broad jump x2
5 Scoop throws (throwing medicine ball) x2

Thrusters (sort of like a deadlift into a squat with overhead press…)
3/3/3/3/3/1/1/1 (3 then rest, 3 then rest, etc- upping weight every time)

Workout Of the Day (WOD):
3 cleans (45 lbs)
9 kettle bell swings (12 lbs)
50 meter run
8 pull-ups (assisted)
15 goblet squats (-holding the kettle bell)
50 meter run
1 minute rest between rounds

My time for WOD: 2:06, 5:18, 8:24, 11:32
Apparently, this was pretty good… and it was definitely a great workout.

Anyone else doing CrossFit?? I know there are a ton of you trying out Insanity and P90X (woot-woot!)

Today’s post is super short… but tomorrow’s will be back to the normal foodie posts!

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