Let The Grillin’ Begin

Posted byLori Posted onAugust 2, 2010 Comments10

My boyfriend, Sascha, and I did some grilling this weekend.

First, I marinaded some freshly grown, and picked, zucchini, squash, and eggplant (thanks Mom, for these items from your garden! Deslish!).

While marinading the veggies in olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, pepper, fresh pressed garlic, and red pepper flakes, the boyfriend set out on his mission to create a homemade sausage. Boys. The things they strive for in life…

Yes, I do know this isn't the most appetizing photo
That's the boyfriend, not me. Please, don't confuse.

I'm representing the green onions of the world... don't judge, I'm makeupless and showerless 😉
I spared you the other pictures of the raw sausage (as it's not super pretty) but here it is on the grill

And onto the heat, go the rest of the veggies. Along with some fresh (from the CSA veggie basket) green onions. If you have never grilled green onions, Do. So. Now. (Katie, do you hear me???) And toss them in olive oil, salt, and pepper first.

After the boyfriend finished grilling up the veggies/meat we dined. Happily.

My plate.
So delicious.

Why does grilling vegetables always make them taste so damn good?

Q.O.D. What was the best thing you ate this weekend? My most tasty dish may have been these Banana Coconut Chocolate Chip Cookies that I made… just maybe.

Recipe tomorrow... 😉

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10 People reacted on this

  1. I LOVE grilling veggies…mmmmm! I’ve never grilled green onions either :O I must try this! Thx Lori! 😀
    .-= maggie(livingfoodjunkie´s last blog ..It started with a lemon =-.

  2. Ooh, looking forward to that recipe! Those veggies look fabulous, and the boyfriend did a great job! My husband would be envious of his meat grinder – oh that sounded just so wrong!

    Best thing? Oh how quickly I forget what I eat! We made a spicy sausage and gnocchi with a fresh tomato sauce (from the CSA) and sauteed zucchini (CSA again) that was really good. So good we made it twice!
    .-= Alisa´s last blog ..10 Random Facts About Me … =-.

  3. Love grilling veggies, something we used to do all the time back in FL.
    Looks like a great weekend full of great food : )
    .-= Pure2raw twins´s last blog ..New items =-.

  4. Girl, I have grilled onions, but I totally forgot about them! I have a garden full of them too. Very timely suggestion.

    You look very cute with your onions, by the way.
    .-= Katie´s last blog ..Thai Time =-.

  5. that all looks so good! i think we may be food solemates!

    true story, when i got my kitchen aid art’s first comment was “lets get the sausage maker!” it must be a boy thing 🙂

    anxiously awaiting the cookie recipe!
    .-= kate´s last blog ..results! =-.

  6. Seriously I was just wondering the same thing about grilling veggies! Why do they always taste so much better that way?!

    Your food looks delish and I cannot WAIT for this cookie recipe – you tease you 😉

  7. You are super adorable makeup-less !!!

    We haven’t grilled much this summer, it’s been too friggin’ HOT! I use the grill pan inside though. Your veggies looks amazing! I am not a sausage person, but my hubby is a meat-eater so I get it 🙂

    I love green onions! I remember when I was a kid I would eat them right from the ground…weird, but now that I think about it…after playing outside for 10 hours, and eating fresh veggies from the ground isn’t so bad compared to todays youth, lol!
    .-= Laury @thefitnessdish´s last blog ..Raw Vegan Cashew Kream Blackberry Torte =-.

  8. my man would love that little piece of info…he loves green onions…and i am sure he would love them grilled…

    when i was a meat eater my fave thing in the world was sausage!!! =) my parents make their own all the time…it’s an italian thing. my man’s dad makes his own chorizos…he also made some merquez and honey garlic ones a few months ago…

    have a great night!!


  9. I don’t know why but grilling food definitely always makes it taste amazing! So does roasting, but grilling is faster. I never would’ve thought to grill a green onion – I love slicing a red one up though.

    Those cookies look great 🙂 I can’t pick a favorite thing I ate this weekend. My mom came to visit so we splurged on things like Indian food (<3), sea bass, cornish hens, lychees (so weird and good), plus I made some raw macaroons that were pretty amazing!
    .-= Ashlei´s last blog ..New Kitchen Gadgets! =-.

  10. I love grilled zucchini!
    This weekend I ate some amazing oat chocolate cookies!
    .-= Efi@greekyogurt´s last blog ..Eggplants with feta tomato sauce =-.

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