It snowed and then it melted

And I went to work. (I know, I’m sad too.)

I got to work around noon due to my car being snowed in at my house. I did enjoy the extra me time this morning. I did two P90X workouts while I waited for the snow to melt.

Workout #1:
P90X Plyometrics
10 minute warm-up, 5 minute cool down
Broken up into rounds; Each round is done twice
Each exercise is for 30 seconds except for last exercise of a round which is 60 seconds
1) Jump squat, run stance squat, airborne heisman (lateral leaping), swing kick
2) Squat reach jump, run stance squat with direction switch, double airborne Heisman, circle run
3) Jump knee tuck. jumping lunge, leapfrog squat, twist combo
4) Rock star hop, gap jump, squat jack, military march
5) Run squat with 180 jump, lateral leapfrog, monster truck tire, hot foot
6) Bonus round: pitch & catch, jump shot, football move (60 seconds each)

Workout #2:
P90X Kenpo X
Twist and Pivot (25reps,2sets)
Twist and Pivot with Hook and Uppercut (25reps,2sets)
Jabs (30reps,2sets)
Jab-cross (25reps,2sets)
Jab-cross-hook (25reps,2sets)
Jab-cross-hook-uppercut (25reps,2sets)
Step Drag, High-Low Punch (30reps,2sets)
Jab-Cross Switch (20 reps)
Hook-Uppercut Switch (20 reps)
Knee Kick (30reps,2sets)
Ball Kick (30reps,2sets)
Side Kick (30reps,2sets)
Back Kick (25reps,2sets)
Three-Direction Kick (72 reps)
Side Lunge with High Sword-Low Hammer (15reps,2sets)
Step-Drag-Claw-Low Punch (25reps,2sets)
High Block (30reps)
Inward Block (30reps)
Outward Block (30reps)
Downward Block (30reps)
Star Block (16 reps)
Front Shuffle with High Block-Low Punch (25reps,2sets)
Knee Kick, Back Kick (15reps,2sets)
Front and Back Knuckles, Ball Kick, Back Kick (10reps,2sets)
Hook, Uppercut, Low Side Kick (10reps,2sets)
Elbow Series (30reps)
Vertical Punches (100reps)

Done with three 90 second “breaks” of running in place, jump rope, jumping jacks, & 10 high-jump jumping jacks

It was great! I enjoy working out way too much! Baby, if lovin’ exercise is wrong, I don’t wanna be right!

When I finally was able to drive to work, and catch up on my blog reading (I swear I’m a good employee), I came across a little giveaway my friends over at Pure2Raw are having. Check it out… they’re pretty talented foodies! They have their own vegan bakery and are giving away their top selling goodies. It worth a peak!

Ok, that’s all for now.