Nothing better than a good beating (in the gym)
Like the title? I thought of it all by myself.
And to clarify, there’s nothing better than a good beating in the gym, working out HARD, and reaping the rewards. Not really getting beaten. That’s probably not as good.
As most of you know I take boot camp and kickboxing classes through the gym’s Mixed Martial Arts program (although where is irrelevant to the story). On Saturday, I was the only lucky student in class so my instructed and I felt it was the perfect opportunity to kick my ass pick up the intensity a bit. When I say a bit, I really mean kick my body into high gear and see if I can hold on for the ride. Well, I can. Since I started with the classes, my fitness level has excelled and the classes, although they are getting harder, are just not hard enough. For example, a typical rest between exercises is three minutes of jump rope. Honestly, I remember about a year ago, when thirty seconds was rough.
Back to my original train of thought, since I was the only person who made it to class on Saturday, Sean, my boot camp instructor, set out to actually have my tired at the end of the hour session. Mission achieved. He had me doing non-stop movements with some new features added into the mix.
Class included, but was not limited to, the following, all back to back:
2 minutes jumping jacks
2 minutes mountain climbers
2 minutes jumping jacks
2 minutes mountain climbers
30 seconds rest
15 four count push-ups
4 minutes back and forth shuffle drill with burpee at each end
30 second rest
4 minutes one handed kettle bell swings (26 lbs), alternating arms half way through
3 minutes core
3 minutes mountain climbers with hands on medicine ball (talk about core!)
30 second rest
Lap pull down on machine @ 90 lbs- 10 reps
Assisted pull-ups- 10 reps
4 minutes (holding 8 lbs medicine ball) Squat-jump-bounce medicine ball-squat-throw (instructor catches ball and throws it back) Repeat.
30 second rest
Lap pull down on machine @ 90 lbs- 10 reps
Lap pull down @ 75 lbs- 10
Lap pull down @ 90 lbs- 8
5 Hanging L- hang from pull-up bar and bring legs, straight, up to an L shape
There was more but that’s all I can remember. It was rough but amazing. I think I had a “runner’s high” for about 4 hours after that class. I left shaking, sweaty, beat. Glorious. I’m certain that there are few things in life better than a crazy hard workout like that one.
So, conclusion. My instructor has agreed to be my personal trainer for two days a week, aside from the boot camp and kickboxing classes I take. I am very excited! After reading about Averie wanting to do a figure competition, I got the itch to work harder to achieve better results. I want a sculpted body and am going to get there. I’ll be posting more workouts, or what I can remember of them, as they come and hopefully snapping some pics of my favorite ab/core workouts. I’ve got some killer ones to share!
And if working out hard is in the plans then so is eating well. Calories burned is calories earned and you need to fuel a working body.

I absolutely am loving this web site!!!! entirely gonna need to fit this on my bookmarks.
p.s. those balls, I think I have that cookbook, off to check…I received quite a few that I havent cracked (bad girl!)
Dang girl. That is a serious workout. Mountain climbers for 2 minutes, multiple times?!!? burpies?!?! I jsut started month 2 of P90X today, and those 4 count push ups are INTENSE. First time in my life I did clap pushups! I think your smoothie/ice cream/pudding looks great! But you may want to consider the source… 😀
Yowee! That does sound like an intense workout. I love challenging workouts like that. Sounds like fun. We must be mad women. 🙂
Dang girl. That is a serious workout. Mountain climbers for 2 minutes, multiple times?!!? burpies?!?! I jsut started month 2 of P90X today, and those 4 count push ups are INTENSE. First time in my life I did clap pushups!
I think your smoothie/ice cream/pudding looks great! But you may want to consider the source… 😀
I am very interested in your workouts. They sound intense, I need to pick up my speed because I want to tone up more too.
This might be a stupid question but what is mountain climbers?
And I really want one of those chocolate balls!! YUM!
p.s. those balls, I think I have that cookbook, off to check…
I received quite a few that I havent cracked (bad girl!)
Hey Lori! What a doll you are, glad you loved the ginger maple tofu! Yes, good stuff, I loved it…need to make it again 🙂 Soy and I are very, very, very limited quantity friends though so I need to be careful or tummy issue strike. Anyway, great job on it!
And omg I inspired you to workout harder in the gym? (blush!!!) Thank you! Glad that I can help LOL. I had a training sesh today and am full on going to be diving in head first. And oh also,planning on getting serious about my ACE, too. Need to order it. I know you said you have materials on one of the CPT programs, LMK if you end up getting serious bout it.
Blogging criticism, yea, it's like go read another blog then 🙂