Shortest Post Ever

Posted byLori Posted onJune 29, 2010 Comments6

I played around with the new layout of my blog for a minute a while hours today. Literally. So, that being the case, I am completely out of topics to write about today on my little blog. That being the case, this is about the extent of today’s post. I hope you enjoyed it. 😉

How do you like the new layout? I, personally, think it captures “me” a little better than the old one. This one is more playful and light and I am “feelin'” it more.

Random Questions Of The Day:

1. Are you vacationing anywhere this summer? Where? Why did you choose that place to go? I am leaving for Alaska next Friday! Woo Hoo! I am a bridesmaid in a friend’s wedding there and I am very excited! Anyone have any suggestions on what to do while I’m there? I’m going alone so I’ll have some free time to explore, solo.

2. Do you ever feel overwhelmed? What are your ways of de-stressing? I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed with all of my extra-curricular activities I’m doing. I love all that I have on my plate but sometimes I just need a break. That’s when I call my mom (hi Mom! I love you!), talk things over with her, open a bottle of wine (drown my sorrows- haha, totally kidding), and relax. Just voicing your internal stressors makes a huge difference. And great advice my mother always says is, “Tomorrow will be better.” And this is always true.

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6 People reacted on this

  1. I like the site Lori! Very simple and clean.

    We went to Las Vegas because it is driving distance for us and we like the desert. No flying for us until next year – it’s complicated 🙂

    I never used to feel overwhelmed, but the past few years it has overtaken me. I just freeze up. My main relaxation techniques that seem to help are going for a walk with my husband and pulling out a puzzle. I’m very left-brained and my mind is always spinning on words. When I switch to visually working on a puzzle, it takes me down several notches.
    .-= Alisa´s last blog ..Economical Whole-Grain Spelt Tortillas =-.

  2. …sorry, I liked the old layout better 🙁 no razmataz in this one the other one was you…food, raw food…and cute feminine hearts 🙂

  3. Liking the new layout, we plan to change our up some too soon! I love short posts every now and than. I feel it is a nice change 😉 Maybe that is just me. Have fun in Alaska! That is amazing, so jealous. That is one place I still would love to see 😉
    .-= Pure2raw twins´s last blog ..Winner of our Giveaway =-.

  4. Oh my gosh – Alaska?!!?! I wish. I frontloaded vacations this summer, so I have to work the rest of the time, but that’s cool with me. I can stay and play with my babies in my garden!

    I really like the new layout. It is clean and simple. I need to change mine up. I don’t like the narrow center part where the words are, but I just need to make the time. Someday….I also don’t know anything about that stuff, so I have to pick one of the one that wordpress supplies.
    .-= Katie´s last blog ..Craving silence and muffins =-.

  5. Weddings are a great excuse for a holiday, aren’t they? I just went to Dubuque for the first time for a friend’s wedding. Iowa may not be as “exotic” as Alaska, but it was still really fun and I’d totally go back to Dubuque. Alaska is going to rock your world. I’ve never been but look forward to hearing about it. Have fun!
    .-= Monica´s last blog ..Ratatouille Minestrone Hybrid =-.

  6. hi lori!!!

    i vacationed in japan already this summer, and i’m going to south africa next week, but not really for vacation… haha… but i do count my study abroad trip to italy from sept-dec as an EXTENDED vacation (even though ill have to be studying and such). i went to alaska when i was really really young so i dont remember it, but ive heard that the hours of daylight during the summer are SOOOO long – totally wish i could go during the summer. you should see the northern lights (aurora borealis) – one of the things on my “bucket list” is to see the northern lights. ive heard that they are beautiful.

    honest to goodness, i am SO easily overwhelmed. i am one of those people who seriously needs at least an hour each day to decompress – i tell my friends “i need an hour to just stare at the wall.” some people i know can go-go-go without stopping but im definitely not like that. when i need a break, i like to surf the web (very destressing for me), drink some tea, and open up some of my photography books and flip through them.
    .-= Natalie @ cinnamonbums´s last blog ..Quiet Summer Mornings- Banana Bread Pudding Coffee Cake =-.

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