Frozen Friday (Failure)

Posted byLori Posted onAugust 20, 2010 Comments17

Between my busy thoughts waking me up last night (I wake up with actual scripts of what I want to write my blog posts about… sad…), and the neighbor’s loud, obnoxious, extremely out of date, music blasting into my bedroom window, I am ready to start my Friday. Anyone else? I definitely did not get enough sleep last night, which actually, made me have a little more energy than usual. Definitely a fluke.

My alarm went off at the usual Monday, Wednesday, Friday time of 5:15 am. I hopped crawled my way out of bed, dressed, grabbed my lunch, and headed off to CrossFit. Oh, CrossFit, you wear me out. And I like you for that.

CrossFit Strength of the Day:

Pressing Snatch Balance
5×2 (worked up to 40-45 lbs)

Worked on technique and increasing weight. Then,

Overhead Squats
7×2 (7 sets of 2 reps- up to 75 lbs- could have gone heavier)

Workout Of the Day:
For time:
21 Dumbbell Thrusters
50 meter weighted run (run with 20 lbs dumbbells on shoulders)
15 DB Thrusters
100 m weighted run
9 DB Thrusters
200 m weighted run

Time: 5:31. I could have and should have used the 25 lbs dumbbells, due to my time. It was hard, but it could have been a whole lot harder- which is what we’re going for.

It’s amazing how different a “cardio” workout can be when you add weight to it. It goes from doable yet heart-pumping, to “OMG this is HARD” really fast. Since starting CrossFit, I have learned a lot about myself, what I am capable of, what I think I am capable of, and that a workout does not mean running for two hours.

These pictures are hilarious to me! Home-CrossFit action: Squats with a tire
Me strong! lol
Thank you, Boyfriend, for these lovely pictures.

So, it’s Friday. I had a great post planned for all of you today… it was going to be called, Frozen Friday in complete honor of me getting an ice cream maker!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you follow my blog, or lived with me, or know me at all, you know that I LOVE ice cream. I love the texture. I love the coldness. I love the creamy, wonderful, brilliant flavor possibilities. And really, I wanted an ice cream maker so bad. Well, I got one.

And I failed at my first attempt at making ice cream.

I followed this recipe, which looked promising, and I’m sure would have worked great if it weren’t for the following setbacks:

  • Trader Joe’s only had low-fat coconut milk
  • There was just not enough fat in the mixture
  • The ice cream never froze (at all)
  • I had purchased a better (and more expensive) ice cream maker

Well, we can’t undo what has already been done, so round two at operation homemade ice cream is on for tonight. Frozen Friday will have to wait for another end of the week. But I have a LONG list of ice cream flavors I can’t wait to make!

So, instead of Frozen Friday, how about Fantastic Recipe Friday (yes, that was the best I could do…)

Thai Chicken Patties

  • 4 skinless chicken breasts, poached until almost fully cooked, and cut into pieces
  • 1 small white onion, roughly chopped
  • 1 clove garlic, roughly chopped
  • 2 tsp fresh ginger, chopped
  • 1/2 jalapeno, chopped (or green chile for less heat)
  • 1/3 cup cilantro
  • 3 tbsp freshly chopped green onion
  • 2 tbsp fish sauce
  • 2 tbsp lime juice
  • 2 egg whites
  • 1/3 cup almond meal

1. Combine onion, garlic, ginger, and jalapenos in a food processor. Pulse until finely chopped. Add chicken, cilantro, green onion, and fish sauce and lime juice, continuing to pulse until combined, but not entirely pureed. Transfer into a bowl and add in egg whites and almond meal.

2. Spray cooking spray onto a baking sheet. Form chicken mixture into patties, any thickness. Broil on high heat for 10 minutes on one side, flipping and broiling for another 10 minutes.

Enjoy with any side dish. No-bean hummus was an excellent addition to this meal, along with cabbage slaw.

If you’re really feeling meaty, enjoy with an additional side of filet mignon, as my boyfriend did.

This is an easy recipe, takes only a short amount of time to prepare, and is delicious tasting. This recipe makes about 4 good sized patties, enough for tomorrow’s lunch. And I can almost guarantee this lunch will be better than your coworkers’ meals.

Note: For those of you interested in Paleo eating, I have made/am in the process of making, a new blog devoted to Paleo and CrossFit info. It’s nothing official, but I’d like to have others use it as a reference for their workouts and maybe changing up their diets. I’m really hoping for it to be utilized by my CrossFit gym. 🙂

I have had a lot of question from readers on eating Paleo and this will help me present more info on it. Let me know if you have any questions at all regarding Paleo or CrossFit or workouts, for that matter, and I’ll happily post up some answers! Right now the site is a work-in-progress, but you get a sneak peak here:

Powered By Paleo :

Have a wonderful weekend and let me know what your favorite ice cream flavor is? And if you make homemade ice cream, what is are your tips????

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17 People reacted on this

  1. […] also. With a little less restraint on what goes into my mouth, I’m eating homemade sausage, Thai chicken patties, outrageously flavored crock-pot meals, meaty lettuce wraps, sauteed veggies, and so much more. A […]

  2. awww cute photos of you lifting the tire…I WOULD NEVER ever be able to lift one of those…i’ve tried…haha! wow…i am totally impressed chickie!!!

    .-= nelly´s last blog stuffhope you dont mind =-.

  3. So impressed of you and your tire! You rock!

    I haven’t tackled raw ice creams yet, but it’s on my list. Not sure why – I live in Texas and it’s summer!
    .-= Michelle´s last blog ..Time Commitment of Raw Food =-.

  4. Those pictures of you with the tire make you look like such a bad ass!
    .-= Madeline – Greens and Jeans´s last blog ..all over the place =-.

  5. Haha, cute pics!

    Right with you there on the cardio comment. Weighted cardio is the BOMB. Now if only people would get off their stupid treadmills and get metabolic with their training. *bangs head repeatedly on desk*

    I’d be very interested in paleo, but I don’t think I could ever live without dairy…or oatmeal…or bread….or wheat *blush*
    .-= Christine´s last blog ..Impulse Buying- A Virtue Disguised as a Vice =-.

  6. I wish i had an ice cream maker!! haha and those workout pics are awesome!
    .-= Salah@myhealthiestlifestyle´s last blog ..Playing Catch-up =-.

  7. OMG we got an ice cream maker too!!!! We have not used it yet…cannot wait!

    Love the workout pics!! You are so strong girl!! : )

  8. omg look at you!! you’re awesome!

    sooo exciting that you got an ice cream maker!! and those thai chicken patties look amazing. 🙂

  9. Awesome pictures of you lifting 🙂 And i love the sound of the chocolate you blogged about a few posts back. Hope you have a great weekend x
    .-= Sarah @Gluten-free tries Vegan´s last blog ..Goody Good Sweets! =-.

  10. OMG!!! Look at YOU with that tire….DAMN GIRL!! You’re a rockstar, I am super impressed 🙂

    My fave ice cream flavor is vanilla with peanut butter or chocolate chip…mmmmm. I only make soft serve in my vitamix…but I would love to learn how to make coconut ice cream!!!

    Have a great night!!!!
    .-= Laury @TheFitnessDish´s last blog ..Five Things Friday – =-.

  11. You had to put your frozen Friday on ice, lol! But I bet the pudding you got instead of ice cream was delicious anyway? I feel left out nowadays when everyone’s eating ice cream – even coconut bliss is too high-sugar at the moment. But when my vitamix arrives, I’ll be making some coconut cream- based ice creams with stevia myself! I don’t ever expect to have an ice cream maker, but I think guar gum helps to make it soft serve, and not too firm. I used to do coconut cream/vanilla/a couple raw eggs and sweetener, and it worked great. Froze kinda hard, but you just had to be patient!

    My favorite ice cream – mint choc, of course! Avos are great for that. I remember being wowed as a kid by a honey crystals and stem ginger ice cream. Love chocolatey swirls in ice cream…

    I had the impression from brief acquaintance that you were into Paleo – great that you are writing about it for others also. Do you read Mark’s Daily Apple?

    Paleo makes a lot of sense to me intellectually- I just don’t feel good eating meat. But I did very well with raw eggs for a while and sometimes consider doing that again.

    Your chicken patties look like something my husband would love, though – I may try to make them for him soon.

    I am _in awe_ of your physical activity and commitment!
    .-= Ela´s last blog ..Returning Energy- Steam Shower- Sun =-.

  12. I agree with what Kelly said. But I use light coconut milk all the time (can’t get full fat anywhere around here…) and have made it with and without the gums, and with and without the arrowroot powder.

    Honestly, the only time it has ever not frozen were when the bowl wasn’t frozen first for long enough, and when I used too much of the xanthan gum. That made the pudding like “ice cream” stick to the sides of the bowl too much, and the churner couldn’t move.
    .-= Katie´s last blog ..A success YEAH!!! and a failure BOOO!!! =-.

  13. oh also, you really do have to freeze the bowl overnight- not just a few hours, and mine always comes out like softserve which is good but hardens to perfect consistency when put back in the freezer for a few hours and then it freezes solid and does best when left to sit out for a bit or zapped int he micro for 1 minute before rescooping

  14. I LOVE my ice cream maker. I use a recipe with tofu (the aseptically packaged kind) as the base instead of coconut milk. I think if you are using a recipe with just light coconut milk you need to add xantham and guar gum, or heat it with arrowroot powder. I have read that a mix of half light and half regular with work though.

    I use bananas in my recipe as the thickening agent instead of gums/ gelatin/ or arrowroot but that only works if you want banana ice cream.

  15. Hi there. I love the new site. I will bookmark that one for sure. I called the crossfit gym near me – and I am going to give it a try if they call me back. It is a bit far – like 30-40 min away – but I want to give it a go:) It just looks too fun. Where do you live?
    You go girl. Love the pics.
    .-=´s last blog ..Seriously Like Seriously =-.

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