Lucky to be…
Today is one of those days where an epiphany happened. It could be I’m running high on an almond milk latte. It could be that I had an incredible CrossFit and TRX workout today (more on TRX tomorrow). It could just be that I was meant to write this post today- just to share my feelings. Whatever reason, you get to read about it. Aren’t you lucky… 😉
I am human (I’m pretty sure). I bitch. I complain. I take for granted. And I accept. And you know what, I am lucky.

I am insanely, incredibly, and tremendously lucky for all that I have, all that I have been given, and all that I have accomplished. At 25 years old, I have wonderful, loving, and 100% supportive parents and family that keep me motivated. I have accomplished almost every goal that I have set out to achieve (lost 50 lbs, ran a full marathon, started my own business). I am 1000000% capable of lifting some heavy-ass weights, running some far distances, bend and flex in some cool yoga poses. And now, I am my own boss.
I think a lot of people out there have a mission or goal of living their lives to the fullest. Am I right? I know I want to. I want to be able to take a vacation when I want to. I want to be able to make my own schedule, set my own rules, run my own life… being subject to a full-time job is not always the most enjoyable way to spend you day… is it? I just have to throw out there that I am lucky to have found the business I did.
Not only do I now have the complete flexibility of choosing when I work, but I have had the opportunity to travel to new places and meet, and work, with some incredibly friendly and caring individuals (Hi Mom, Pamela, Monica, Angie, Julie, Wendy, Marcia!).
My paychecks have reflected the increase in hours working and since I’ve gotten back from (amazing) New Orleans, my business has taken off! See, I’m lucky. I mean really, where else can you start your own business with little investment, increase your checks significantly (and fast), work with two of the brightest minds in skin care/technology, be one of the firsts to be apart of this incredible opportunity, and teach other people to start their own businesses?

This tool is A W E S O M E- just launched, nothing like it, amazing anti-age skin tool.
Ok, now that that is out of my system, I am also lucky for another reason…
I get to eat some damn good food… Seafood!
Lucky or spoiled… why split hairs?
All of the restaurant pics, from the lobster down, were taken (sorry they were blurry!) from Sandabs in Scotts Valley, CA (just north of Santa Cruz, CA). SUCH great food! See, I’m lucky to live close to the Ocean where seafood is aplenty! 😉
I am lucky. And I would like to thank you, YES YOU!, for reading my blog, supporting me with comments. You are some amazing people. Don’t forget that!
What are you lucky for?????

What a great post! I am so happy for you, glad your business has taken off!! It is so wonderful having the freedom to work for yourself! You have worked so hard in all aspects of your life, you should be very proud of your accomplishments!
.-= Laury @thefitnessdish´s last blog ..Showers & Baseball =-.
You are a lucky girl! LOL I am so glad that we are friends, and I can not wait to meet you!!! Being your own boss is great! 🙂 xoxo
.-= Pure2raw twins´s last blog ..Stuffed squash with guacamole =-.
that’s AWESOME that you love your job! (and you get to travel. bonus!! :)) i’m with you on the lobster. it’s not about the taste, it’s just too much darn work! now ahi tuna, that’s something i’d be all over 🙂
.-= Angela (the diet book junkie)´s last blog ..Salad for me- Doritos for you- why we tend to buy healthier food for ourselves =-.
This is so inspiring to read – your posts have been that way lately, and often! Thank you for this.
Gratitude is such an amazing tool.
I am grateful for my freedom to steer my life as I wish to, in compromise with a wonderful man. And for my love of words and ability to express myself in a variety of ways.
And to be connected with so many awesome people!
.-= Ela´s last blog ..Back Home – To Winter! TSA Pet Peeve- And Finding My Voice on Blog World Controversies =-.
I am lucky to have married a fantastic guy, to have the honor of raising two wonderful little people, to have parents who have always supported me and serve a God who loves me completely.
Good life! Thanks for an uplifting and encouraging post. Yay for your business!!
.-= [email protected] Housewife in the Raw´s last blog ..Orange Avocado surprisingly good! =-.
yes! i love posts like this. they help me remember just how much i have to greatful for.
i am lucky that i have a wonderful boyfriend, family and friends. i am employed, attending school and healthy. what more could a woman ask for!
.-= kate´s last blog ..Local Food Date Night =-.
Woohoo! What an inspiring post and such a great thing to wake up to! Especially this morning when I need the motivation to go for a 7-8 mile run.
And good food too. Always a plus.
.-= Joanne´s last blog ..Pumpkin Spice Milkshake with a Cranberry Sauce Swirl =-.
I too am incredibly lucky. I have the family I always wanted: loving, supportive, affectionate, crabby–well, just plain REAL. I am incredibly proud of both my daughters, including you, Lori. I have a wondefully loving, giving, nourishing husband and a true love that I carry always in my heart. I am loved. I am blessed with good health and living in America. I am grateful. I am grateful.
I am so happy for you!! You sound truly happy and you deserve it!
I hate lobster too, you aren’t the only crazy one. I am not a fan of fish either. Really anything that lives in water creeps me out. I mean, how do they breathe?! 😉
.-= Katie´s last blog ..How’d that mushroom get there =-.
Aww, what a great post! You HAVE accomplished a LOT already!! And your potential is limitless. 🙂
.-= Amber Shea @Almost Vegan´s last blog ..Review- Organics Are For Everyone date syrup =-.
Doll you are so inspiring!!! Congratulations on everything you have ROCK:)
I’m so happy that your biz is taking off especially after your trip. How rewarding is that?
All that!
I’ve heard great things about your neck of the woods, can’t wait to visit one day!
I’m lucky that I have a hubby who supports ANYTHING (well almost HAHA)I want to do in life and a family who is always there! I’m also lucky to have met all these amazing bloggers who lift me up..*cough* you *cough*
Have a fab weekend!!!
.-= melissa´s last blog ..Giveaway – 35 CSN Stores Gift Certificate =-.
You do have a lot to be thankful for!! That’s so amazing that you have accomplished so much that you wanted! I am lucky and blessed for finding a hubby at such an early time in my life who is such a gift from God. I can’t believe how lucky I am!