Can you handle it? The Fight Gone Bad Workout
This title could only mean one of two things.
1. Either I got my ass beat lost in a fist/boxing/kicking/girl fight or…
2. That was the WOD we did in CrossFit yesterday.
I’ll let you be the decider on this one, but I will give you a hint- It looked like this:
Fight Gone Bad
5 Rounds total
30 seconds each exercise, then switch to the next
after the whole sequence, rest 1 minutes then repeat for 5 rounds
- Clean & Jerk (men 135#, women 95#- I did 75#)
- Kettlebell swings (men 72#, women 54#)
- Box jumps (men 24″, women 20″)
- Burpees
After each round we called out our total reps for the round. Here are mine. Being the only women, I rocked the men’s totals.
Lori: 37, 40, 39, 39.5, 39
Men’s average: 30, 29, 29, 28, 28
Yes, I am sore(ish). I’m just thankful we didn’t do the original CrossFit Fight Gone Bad workout…
Three rounds of:
- Wall-ball, 20#, 10 ft target
- Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75#
- Box Jump, 20″ box
- Push-press, 75#
- Row
Either way, it looks fun, right?
With always beating myself up (at the gym), rewarding is in order.
My late birthday present/early Christmas present from he Boyfriend, was delivered yesterday! And that is all you get for now on that subject. Time will reveal all. 😉 I will give you a little hint though:
Things will look a lot better with my gift.
Any guesses???
You really don’t seem like the chick-fighting type, so safe to go with the kick-your-butt workout!
Ooh, did someone get a new camera?? Can’t wait to see what you got!
.-= Alisa Cooks´s last blog ..Me A Speaker at the Fitness & Health Bloggers Conference =-.
Man I wish I could workout with you!! Crossfit sounds just like something we would love over here. We are really enjoying hard intense workouts : )
We have been trying to run again, but just not working.
Thanks for your comment regarding the cake pops 🙂
The recipe is here:
I think you know my answer. Lift heavy weights with some low intensity cardio in the mix, only for the heart benefits and magazine/book reading time. 🙂
Did someone get a new camera?!?!
.-= Katie´s last blog ..Video marathon =-.
awesome workout! i’ve never tried kettlebells before……they kinda scare me! LOL!
my fave workouts are heavy weights and steady state cardio. once in a while i like HIIT, but i have to be in the mood.
.-= Heather (Perspective Is Everything)´s last blog ..Frugal is Fun! =-.
loved the workout – I love crossfit – but I loathe wallball:)
hope you are well:)
I’m guessing a camera?
ps – your workout would
.-= [email protected] Housewife in the Raw´s last blog ..Good Reads – Fat and More =-.
Go Girl! I’ve been addicted to KB workouts lately and some hot and heavy power yoga… Such amazing changes so fast!
.-= Anne´s last blog ..Workout Playlists =-.
Wow. Your averages are way impressive with the guys’ as a benchmark. Benchpress, I meant. Are they in awe of you or what? Are you?
I’m so glad that you enjoy this so much. It’s hard for me to imagine doing something like that (or being that strong!) but I can relate to the enjoyment 😉
Happy gift time for you! I’ll speculate silently and look forward to the revelation.
.-= Ela´s last blog ..Happy Birthday to Phil =-.
SO jealous of this workout!! I love ANYTHING with kettlebell. It is my favorite cardio OR strength workout. I love how it works every muscle in my body!! Can’t wait to see your gift! Guess Im not the only one getting early xmas gifts 😉
.-= Kat´s last blog ..Happy Thursday! =-.