How to Butterfly a Chicken

Posted byLori Posted onJanuary 12, 2011 Comments11

I once was a virgin…

…At making butterflied chicken.

I have graciously eaten this dish many times before but never made a whole chicken myself. Yes, I’m usually the dubbed Spicer, happily sprinkling salt, pepper, and other aromatic flavors about it’s exterior, but never have I been the one to unwrap, de-innard , dress, and well, prepare the nasty thing.

It’s not that I’m against the preparation, I just have never been given the opportunity to turn this bird into a downright deliciously moist morsel of a dinner item. Until last night.

This story continues with me womaning up, slapping on a pair of rubber gloves (protection people!), and getting down and dirty.

Gently at first…

Gain trust.

Then dig right in.

Oh, and cut the thing in half- oh my!

Spice, rattle, and roll into the oven.

And let’s not forget my favorite thing of all: Kabocha (and veggies).

Because every main dish needs a friend. And kabocha just happens to be my other lover.

A little creamy tofu sauce? Best. Recipe. Ever. Just subbed most of the nuts for tofu. Delish!

And the three-some begins…

Ugly but tasty. Oh, and cooked to perfection! šŸ˜‰

A little chicken fat (from the roasting pan) for those who wanted a little extra flavor-lovin’

And can you believe, all the plated pictures turned out incredibly blurry. But that’s ok, it still tasted good.

And no, I wasn’t copying Ms. Sophia. It’s just that great minds think alike, you know?

The butterflied virgin no more.

What is one new thing you did or learned this week? I’ve got two!

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11 People reacted on this

    1. I use a LOT of spices, because they’re fun! My favorites:
      Garlic Powder
      Chili Powder
      (sometimes I add Turmeric and Ginger)

      Have fun and good luck!

  1. you are hardcore! reminds of an oldschool pioneer woman who just did what she had to do to feed her family šŸ™‚ we women rock!
    it all looks really tasty too!!
    .-= Heather (Perspective Is Everything)´s last blog ..Wanderlust =-.

  2. I am impressed.

    The closest I’ve gotten to ever successfully roasting a chicken was a mostly cooked through bird that I ended up having to rip apart and re-cook until it was actually finished.

    I named him Maurice.
    .-= Sarah @ The Smart Kitchen´s last blog ..Kid Tested =-.

  3. You’re brave. I don’t even like touching raw meat when it’s wrapped, let alone manhandling it. Yours looks like it turned out pretty darn delicious though, props for that one!

    Also, congrats on the certification, that’s awesome! šŸ™‚
    .-= Kristie´s last blog ..Food- A Poem =-.

  4. Ewwww… the touching raw chicken part. Yummmmmm….to eating it.
    I’m such a girl!
    .-= Katie´s last blog ..I got tagged =-.

  5. haha, yes safety first! I hate working with gloves in the kitchen because you cannot feel the food, but sometimes it is so necessary.

  6. hahaha way to go girl! I can’t do that!
    .-= Salah (My Healthiest LIfestyle)´s last blog ..Arnie and Me =-.

  7. You go girl, way to manhandle that bird!!!
    .-= Christin@purplebirdblog´s last blog ..So apparently you guys think Iā€™m stylish =-.

  8. The veggies look great, anything with kabocha is a hit with me. šŸ™‚ One new thing for me is cooking beets in a stir fry.

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