So, aside from being on vacation and being completely lazy on vacation, I have managed to get a bit of sun. Who doesn’t love a good tan? I’m using sunscreen, lots of it actually. Don’t worry, Mom, I’m taking care of my skin.
Anyway, this vacation isn’t totally lazy for me. If you’re reading this post on Friday (today) or Saturday (uh, tomorrow) then I’m working my ass off hiking into the Grand Canyon!! Katie and Kelly are my guides, or sweaty workout partners for the weekend. All I can say about this is I’M SO EXCITED! (don’t you worry, picture will be posted on Monday afternoon… maybe Tuesday)
Obviously I wrote this post ahead of time and scheduled it to post today so enjoy a delicious recipe from a far less lazy person than I. 😉
Take it away, Lauren!
Hello everyone! This is Lauren from Whole Wheat Or Bust! I feel so honored to be guest posting on Lori’s blog; she has been with me since the beginning. Over the last two years, I have added and deleted so many blogs from my Google Reader, but What Runs Lori has held its own. What’s not to love? She is hilarious and her blog is exploding with HARD workouts and unique recipes. No oatmeal variations over here!
I racked my brain on what to make for this guest post. At first, I was leaning towards a fancy entree of some sort or an intricate dessert to impress y’all with… but then. I. got. real.
When I think of blog recipes that are truly badass, they are simple, fairly quick, and most importantly – delicious. As a student, I am constantly in need of things to take with me on the go. I have been suckered into buying all sorts of silly protein bars and snack bars and they always let me down.
Either the nutrition facts are crappola or they are way too expensive. I always end up thinking ‘I could have made this better at home.’ So finally, I did! Keeping it Lori-style, I remade these bars until they were high protein, low carb, high fiber, and paleo friendly!
Introducing…. Dark Chocolate Banana Nut Bars!
They are sugar & grain free and pack in 8 grams of protein, 3 grams of fiber and healthy fats at only 100 calories (or you can double the size)!
I brought one with me to class today and it made learning about the carotid artery’s role in maintaining blood pressure much more enjoyable. Slash bearable? I am pretty sure I annoyed everyone around me when I pulled out my 4 course meal…
(insert picture of lunch)
Wasabi and ginger tossed chicken & asparagus, roasted peanuts and wasabi peanuts to sprinkle on top, an apple, and a protein bar!
Girls gotta eat.
Recipe: Makes 4 bars (or 2, or 1 😉 )
Wet ingredients –
1 1/2 tbsp dark chocolate peanut butter
2 egg whites
2 tbsp banana
4 drops stevia
couple drops vanilla extract
Dry ingredients –
1/4 cup peanut flour
2 tbsp coconut flour
pinch salt
Directions – Preheat the oven to 350. Combine all the wet ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Add the dry ingredients and mix well. Make sure there are no coconut flour chunks! Bake for 10 minutes.
These are actually more what they look like! The first photo is when I tried using oat bran instead of coconut flour. Did NOT taste nearly as good. But the photos were prettier!
Benefits: (something I always do on my blog’s recipes)
Peanuts * a great source of manganese, Vitamin E, tryptophan (calming!), niacin, folate, and copper! Peanuts also contain lots of healthy monounsaturated fats and antioxidants! They have been linked to a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and have been shown to significantly lower your chances of getting colorectal cancer.
Bananas * one of the best sources of high-resistance fiber and potassium, which helps the body eliminate excess salt and water (good for bloating)! Also help prevent muscular cramps and improve blood circulation. Bananas are high in zinc, which is key for healthy hair. They have also been linked to the prevention of stomach ulcers because they protect the stomach mucous layer. They are high in vitamins C and A, and phosphorus (which helps improve memory).
Coconut flour * 1 cup contains 40 grams of fiber and 16 grams of protein. It is one of the lowest carb flours you can use!
Thank you for reading and thank you Lori for having me! Seee yaaaa!
I think Lauren knows I love me some coconut flour goodies. 😉
These sound great! Love that they’re grain-free 🙂
And that they contain so much peanutty goodness!
Yay!! Thank you so much Lori! I hope you are having the time of your lifeeeeee. Stress free 🙂
I NEED to make these! Brilliant 🙂
These sound awesome Katie – very well balanced! I have yet to use coconut flour….I better get on that.
thanks for the great recipe! i’m checking out your blog right now to see what other yummies you have up your sleeve! i love low-carb, high protein food! 🙂
I have everything but the peanut flour!! Ahhhh!!!
Those nut bars look incredible. I love all the fiber that coconut flour has! 😀
Ooooh those bars look good! I have to find coconut flour!
I love anything with peanut and coconut flour….these look sooo bomb!
Gonna try these today! Thanks!
These sound great! Love that they’re grain-free 🙂
And that they contain so much peanutty goodness!
Yay!! Thank you so much Lori! I hope you are having the time of your lifeeeeee. Stress free 🙂
I NEED to make these! Brilliant 🙂
These sound awesome Katie – very well balanced! I have yet to use coconut flour….I better get on that.
thanks for the great recipe! i’m checking out your blog right now to see what other yummies you have up your sleeve! i love low-carb, high protein food! 🙂
I have everything but the peanut flour!! Ahhhh!!!
Those nut bars look incredible. I love all the fiber that coconut flour has! 😀
Ooooh those bars look good! I have to find coconut flour!
I love anything with peanut and coconut flour….these look sooo bomb!