10 Things CrossFit Has Taught Me

Posted byLori Posted onJuly 26, 2011 Comments13

These are 10 things that CrossFit has taught me since I started WOD’ing (…err, working out CrossFit style).

10 Things CrossFit Has Taught Me:

1. I am stronger than I believe. I can lift more that I believe I can and I can move heavier objects than I would have ever dreamed possible.

2. I can find a sense of community at any CrossFit location. And I’ve done this. Recently I have been working out at CrossFit Feather River and although it’s only been a week, I already feel like I’ve made some great friends.

I’m calling this CrossFit gym home for a while…

3. I can do anything for X amount of time. It’s true! I can complete a solid, incredible, sweat-and-metabolism-boosting workout in whatever time it takes to compete the WOD (workout of the day). And this can correlate back to any part of my life I may view as a challenge. I can do anything in that X amount of time.

4. Paleo is yummy (and fun!). Taking away (most) grains, legumes, and dairy can tastes really good and be completely satisfying… even if it doesn’t sound all that wonderful.

Hello! Plum and Peach Paleo Pie!

5. Whether I can or I can’t, I’m right. It’s an old quote, but it’s true. If I think I can do it, I probably can.

6. Clauses are sexy. They are an effect of lifting weights, of being strong, of working hard. And mine are darn sexy.

7. If I’m going to do something, I might as well do it right the first time. This goes for many things but if I lift right, my body will respond with strength (after the soreness! Oh, so sore!!)- not injury.

8. I can complete just one more round. Just one more round. I can always make it through just one more round.

9. Wine should be is considered Paleo. Isn’t it for you???

10. I can push myself beyond any preconceived limits, beyond mental and physical limits I previously thought not possible. If you’ve ever tried CrossFit, or even just done something physically CHALLENGING, in the middle of a WOD you may think that you’re not going to make it through the entire workout… and then you finish. Dare I say it’s the best feeling ever?  Take for example this workout…


Badger Workout

  • 30 squat cleans
  • 30 pull-ups
  • 800 meter run

I can’t believe I even finished! This one was HARD. And long. It took me 29 mintes, 50 seconds to finish, but finish I did!

Along the way, maybe around the second round of pull-ups (assisted, mind you) I figured my body would just stop working and I would be free to lay in my misery of sore muscles.. but nope. I finished. Everyone finished! And it was wonderful to be done, accomplished, COMPLETED!

CrossFit Coach Debbi and my sweaty self after the WOD

Did I mention eating Paleo is yummy? Paleo Plum and Peach Pie recipe tomorrow!

What has your challenging thing taught you?

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13 People reacted on this

  1. wow this is awesome ! I just started cross fit and I’m learning a lot. I hope to keep learning many of the things on your list!

  2. ah, crossfit. so intimidating! i’ve always wanted to try it but now that i am out of shape i don’t want to step foot near it. glad you love it so much though 🙂 also…i’m sorry, but what are clauses? hah. clearly out of the weight lifting club.

    my challenging thing has taught me that i am smart, that my body is smart, that i am mentally so, so strong. and that i am surrounded by such beautiful, encouraging, uplifting people.

  3. wow… thank you so much for sharing your experiences… i am definitely inspired with it and able to learn from your stories even though i haven’t tried cross fit yet!

  4. Sounds like some great lessons for life as well as fitness. I’m not feeling so inspired over here–most salient recent lesson is that I need not to take on so much and need to give myself space to destress! Another good one, though, is that if you’re patient, energy returns: I used to moan on about not being able to exercise and now I can do lots.

  5. This was a really good post Lori! I know I have told you I have been dying to try crossfit, and this just doubled it! Its just hard for me to justify paying for it when our university gym is included in our fees. But I know I am going to try it at some point fairly soon, it is just a matter of when!

  6. Hi there,
    I never did well in a CrossFit 🙁 but you seem to enjoy it very much ! good for you 🙂 I’m waiting for the recipe… lol!

  7. wow! great job!
    waiting to the Paleo Plum and Peach Pie recipe… sounds good 🙂

  8. Way to go! It looks like you’ve gleamed a lot from Crossfit–I’m especially loving #8 and #10 🙂 I wish there was a Crossfit program around here, I have a feeling I’d totally dig it.

  9. Good job girl!! You kicked booty!! Crossfit is seriously something that I KNOW I would be totally hooked on if I tried it!

  10. my challenging thing has taught me that i am stronger than i feel, that i need to love myself as much as i love others, and that i am the only thing that can take away my power.

    what crossfit taught me: i HATE pylo. 🙂 and that pylos are a great exercise! 🙂

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