Paleo Breakfast Bake

The morning of the hike in Yosemite my sister, cousin, and I woke up at 1:30 am (yes, we actually did sleep a few hours before we left to hike that early), left her house at 2:00 am, and got to the trail head and were hiking at 4:40 am. After hiking all day we finished our hike at about 3:30 pm, grabbed food and got back to my cousin’s house after 9:00 pm.

That was a FULL day of life. Needless to say, we were exhausted and I proceeded to pass out the second my head hit that pillow.

I wake up early anyway, no matter what, all the time, and the next morning I rose at 6:30 am. Slightly rested, pretty thirsty, slightly hungry, and feining coffee, I made my way into the kitchen. After approximately 30 minutes of trying to figure out her coffee machine (stupid fancy kitchen equipment) I had a steaming up ‘O Joe in my hands and the perfect after-hike recipe to make for breakfast.

That is how my morning proceeded and after another hour, breakfast was mine. Protein-rich, flavorful, Paleo breakfast for replenishing a body after a long day and short night [sleep].

And this recipe would not have been my fate if it wasn’t for my new and awesome friend (remember that guy with the rad bacon shirt?!) posting this recipe on his blog! He’s got some great ones, if you’re interested in good food. But of course you are, you’re here, aren’t you?


Couldn’t be any easier, could it? Well, except you do have to chop a few things… and figure out how to work those all-in-one grind and roast coffee makers. Ug, not a fan.

How do you refuel after some intense exercise?
Coffee fans? Any embarrassing stories about not succeeding in making coffee? Seriously, how did I live all these years and still not be able to successfully conquer a machine?!

13 comments to Paleo Breakfast Bake

  • Lesley Lifting Life

    Looks delicious! I love seeing those delicious mushrooms sticking out :)
    Lesley Lifting Life´s last blog ..Westport Food Truck FestivalMy ComLuv Profile

  • Larry

    Looks tasty. I approve of this recipe.

    Post-exercise refueling for me is usually a full meal. I used to do protein shakes but nowadays I like to eat real food as much as possible.

    I’m horrible at making coffee. Probably the one food-related item I can’t make. I don’t drink a ton of it, but I like the routine of having a cup or two in the morning. So, we recently got a Keurig and that solved all of my coffee making problems.
    Larry´s last blog ..Training Log: 7/11/11My ComLuv Profile

  • Katie

    I forgot to tell you I made your egg muffin cup thingies last week! They are super good, I used artichokes, sund-dried tomatoes, nutritional yeast, and spinach. I froze some, but haven’t tried them yet….

    I would have crashed hard after that hike.
    Katie´s last blog ..Mustard MadnessMy ComLuv Profile

  • Kelly

    seriously this is perfect! I have a girl’s potluck brunch to go to on Saturday morning and I have been put in charge of bringing an egg dish! You are the best.

  • Leashieloo

    Looks really good, perfect for brunch!
    Leashieloo´s last blog ..Whiskers on KittensMy ComLuv Profile

  • Erin

    Looking great and tasty for sure!
    Erin´s last blog ..Tiger Woods golf swing- the correct golf swing from tiger woodsMy ComLuv Profile

  • Alisa Fleming

    Wow, I can’t believe you hiked on that little sleep too!
    Alisa Fleming´s last blog ..The Best Sunscreens for Sensitive Skin and AllergiesMy ComLuv Profile

  • salah@myhealthiestlifestyle

    I LOOOOOVE me some eggies! Those are one of my ALL TIME favorite post-workout meals! Definitely going to keep this recipe!
    salah@myhealthiestlifestyle´s last blog ..Happy BURP-Day!My ComLuv Profile

  • Kristina @ spabettie

    this looks awesome… I always need something like this, BIG protein, after a BIG workout. yesterday after my 5 miles (um, YES that’s a lot for me right now!) :) I had a burrito the size of my leg.

  • dido

    looks lovely and makes me hungry just looking at the pics
    i make a very similar thing but Vegetarian!
    dido´s last blog ..Unpleasant cause of severe headachesMy ComLuv Profile

  • teabag

    coffee fanatic! i drink it black now that i’ve cut out most artificial/added sugar so now i’m a super snob about coffee quality – you can really taste a difference when the flavor’s not masked by chemicals! :)
    post exercise, i keep it simple. carbs & protein. if i’m at home: kabocha & greek yogurt/protein smoothie. at work: oats & greek yogurt/ eggs. :)

  • Pure2raw Twins

    yum yum, I still have a hard time figure out certain coffee makers. I am not sure why they make things so difficult sometimes!! After a long day of exercise we typically enjoy a smoothie and followed by snacks all day long. And later a salad or something and dessert. haha It really varies from day to day, all depends what is on hand!
    Pure2raw Twins´s last blog ..The best way to eat and make okra friesMy ComLuv Profile

  • birthday celebrations get better with age « What Kelly Said

    [...] week I knew I wanted to make an egg dish. But that was about as far as I got. Then Lori posted her Paleo Breakfast Bake and I knew I had my dish for the [...]

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