CORE Foods Winner

Posted byLori Posted onJanuary 30, 2012 Comments4

Happy Monday!

Today is a simple post. Simple because all we’re showcasing is CORE Foods and a winner.

Before I get to the winner, let me just say thank you(!!) to CORE Foods for having What Runs Lori host a prize pack giveaway. The little meals on the go are delicious and convenient.

So many people entered via the Google Form that was posted, and in the comments! Thank you to all who entered and shared the giveaway.

Although there can only be one winner, you’re all winners with your 20% off coupon for your first purchase of a CORE Foods bar (click here to order). Be sure to order your products before February 2nd with the coupon code: whatrunslori

The moment most of you have been waiting for…


The winner of the CORE Foods Prize Pack giveaway is…


Susan Lenderts

Congrats, Susan!!

I’ll pass along your info and have Krista from CORE Foods contact you asap!

Well, that’s a wrap for Monday’s post but tomorrow and the rest of the week will be the week of How-To’s!

Lots of great things are coming… 😉

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4 People reacted on this

  1. Curses! I lost.

    Oh well.

    Good thing I get to run my own giveaway ASAR (as soon as I remember) to post about it….

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