
Buttery Seared Scallops and Citrus Cauliflower-Potato Mash


If it’s easy being cheesy, then it’s pleasing being Paleo. Today’s HAWMC prompt is to write a story in six sentences. Follow the guidelines (and you have to check out some of these six sentence posts. I love them.) and write a post that’s to the point!


Hungry is as hungry does. Following your craving can sometimes reap wonderful rewards. I’m a believer in giving your body what it wants, so I give my mouth exactly that (within reason, of course). Seared scallops, although pricey as Hell little buggers, can be melt-in-your-mouth, sweet and zesty, miraculous dinner items. What you serve with your elegant Seared Scallops is your own business, but if you’re taking my advice (and why would you not?) then try them out with this Citrus Cauliflower-Potato Puree. Trust me, have I ever steered your taste buds wrong…?



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{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Ela April 29, 2012 at 9:34 AM

You got in early on this! I guess you’re an hour ahead of me down there, but still…
Given my almost-comic loathing of butter, I wasn’t enticed by the first word of your post, but “cauliflower mash” drew me right in–definitely my style! I need to write about immersion blenders soon… And so it goes, speaking of six sentences–just a single word here or there can entice in or shut out!
Have a great Sunday.
Ela´s last [type] ..Falling off the Pony, Getting Back On, Learning to Dismount


Yui April 29, 2012 at 11:31 PM

Great recipe. I believe it will turn out to be something delicious. I love sweet potato. I love cauliflower. So this should be good to my taste. Thanks for sharing.
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Mia May 3, 2012 at 7:22 AM

Oh wow this is soooo mouth-watering. I love scallops! This is one great recipe!
Mia´s last [type] ..epoxy concrete patch


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