Reboot[izer] Your Body Contest
With the 30 Days of writing for health, May starts 7 days of drinking to health!
Remember way back in the beginning of April I did a review of a new oxygenating drink called Rebootizer? Well, I’ve teamed up with this completely innovative company to give you a trial package of Rebootizer to try! From May 1st until May 8th, I’ll be providing you with fun facts about the 7 different ingredients inside every packet of Rebootizer- and all of the amazing things each ingredient does.
But first, a little about Rebootizer.
The Natural Wellness Enhancer…
A revolutionary new product…
- Rebootizer is a unique and revolutionary wellness product designed to help people live longer, healthier lives
- Rebootizer helps people combat
“Oxidative Stress”, a state c aused by excess free radicals in the body
- Oxidative Stress occurs as a r
esult of our everyday lives an d is exacerbated by exercise, diet, travel, exposure to the sun, and other stresses on the body
What exactly is Oxidative Stress?
It is the imbalance between
Body’s inability to detoxify excess free radicals or repair damage vs. Excess free radicals (toxins)
So, what are the causes of Oxidative Stress?
Aging: the body becomes less efficient at producing antioxidants as we age. When we run low on antioxidants, our cells oxidize, more free radicals become present, and dis-ease and illness have a higher chance of occurring.
Activity, “Excesses, and
And this leads us to the harmful side effects.
Oxidative Stress is a
A few little known symptoms that many of us wish to avoid include headaches, fatigue, cotton mouth, queasy and upset stomach, and a weakened immune system.
Unlike other dietary
Provides Oxidative Stress
- Neutralizing free radicals
- Boosting the body’s metabolic ability to deal with free radicals and other toxins
- Assisting liver function to detox
With this helpful product and fun packaging, Rebootizer contains a unique blend of powerful antioxidants and detoxifiers. With it’s dual pouch
With all this great information, wouldn’t you like to get your own packets of Rebootizer to try?? Sure you would!
With 7 clinically researched fruit and plant extracts that are
Ingredient #1:
Lemon. Antioxidant and anti-spasmodic.
Check out Rebootizer on their website, facebook, and twitter to get to know them a little better.
Enter to win your packet of Rebootizer, 5 different ways (comment below):
1. What part of your life adds stress to your body and cells?
2. How could Rebootizer help YOU?
3. Tweet this giveaway with [” Enter the Reboot[izer] Your Body Giveaway at c/o @RebootizerUSA and @WhatRunsLori “]
4. Like WhatRunsLori and tell me on Facebook what Rebootizer can do for you!
5. [Random Question] Ingredient #1, Lemon- tell me something you use lemons for!