Tag: weekend

Tim Ferriss’ Sexy-Time Steak & Red, Red Wine

Tim Ferriss’ Sexy-Time Steak & Red, Red Wine

Ever since “going Paleo” I’ve learned to really love meat. After experimenting with raw veganism for quite some time, the Paleo lifestyle definitely suits me better, and not only for the ease of eating out, socializing through food, and not having to explain myself as 

Lori’s Bikini Competition Training Program

Lori’s Bikini Competition Training Program

Before any other reading, I want to note that this program is tailored specifically to me, my body, and the changes I need to make to compete. Please take this into account when reading over this workout routine. Always consult a physician before starting any 

Bikini Competition Training: Week 3

    Hello, hello! The post yesterday, posted on 5 days into the program was written WAY long ago but never posted. Today marks 3.5 weeks into training/nutrition/the program and I’m still going strong! Much has changed in these last three weeks, including my body,