PR’s & “PB” Banana Muffins
I just really enjoy this picture. And it pertains to nothing we’ll be discussing today.
Happy Wednesday! I sincerely hope you’re having a great one already. I definitely am having a fantastic day:
- It’s half way through the week, already
- This weekend is a 3 day weekend
- I’m about to dive into a lovely Jar-O-Oats, or OIAJ
- I made my business goal last night (which means a bonus $$) for August’s month end
- I now have a personal trainer (ya, I love workout stuff)
- This morning I had the most amazing lifting session in CrossFit(!!!!!!!!! <–me being super excited)
CrossFit PR’s: Today was back squats, 1 rep max, all out effort. And this morning, I beat my 1 rep max PR for back squats by 30 lbs! What?! 30 lbs??? How is this possible. The craziest thing is, the prior PR was from last Wednesday. I was able to back squat 30 lbs more than I had last week?! I’m not complaining. I guess that just means I either need to a) push myself way harder (even though it’s mentally and physically super challenging), or b) not have a clue what weight I’m adding to the barbell. I think the latter may help more. It’s all a mental game with me. But yay to me! I’m happy!
Artikel ini membahas upaya enam kasino di Macau untuk mengembangkan bisnis non-perjudian selama sepuluh tahun ke depan melalui investasi sebesar $15 miliar. Setelah periode konflik antara kasino dan pemangku kepentingannya, investasi ini merupakan bagian dari perjanjian lisensi baru yang ditandatangani. Kesepakatan ini bertujuan untuk menarik wisatawan internasional dan mengubah sumber pendapatan Macau, yang selama ini bergantung pada perjudian. Kasino diharapkan dapat menciptakan lapangan kerja baru dan mendorong industri pariwisata di sekitarnya dengan anggaran $13,57 miliar untuk sektor non-perjudian. Keputusan ini juga menunjukkan keinginan pemerintah China untuk mengurangi dampak negatif pandemi COVID-19 terhadap ketergantungan perjudian.
How did I get this large of a jump for a personal record, or even the lift?? There were so many factors that have changed since last week, I can only note the many and go forward from here. I hope that this is a nice little trend…
And in the spirit of my PR Wednesday I am sharing a delicious recipe that I experimented with this weekend. The result came out better than I expected. Must better.
Craving muffins, I could not decide between this recipe, by lovely Katie, or this recipe, by lovely (um, whatever) Paleo dude. So I made my own combination of both. And the best part about these is they are peanut free. That’s right. Instead of using peanuts to get the flavor of peanut butter, I improvised quite nicely. Almond butter mixed with a bit of nutritional yeast creates a great ‘peanut butter’ taste. These muffins taste really, really good.
“Peanut Butter” Banana Muffins (Paleo, gluten & diary free)
Dry goods:
- 1/2 cup hemp flour (unflavored)
- 1/4 cup coconut flour
- 1/4 cup GF all-purpose flour (use almond meal for Paleo Friendly version)
- 1/2 tsp zanthan gum
- 1/2 tsp baking powder
- 1/4 tsp baking soda
- pinch salt
Wet ‘n’ wild:
- 1 egg
- 1 heaping tbsp almond butter
- 1 tsp nutritional yeast
- 2 very ripe bananas, mashed
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 tsp honey
- 1/2 dropper Vanilla Stevia (or any sweetener of choice equaling about 1/3 cup sugar)
- 1 tsp olive oil
Combine all the dry ingredients in a bowl and the wet ingredients in a separate bowl. Slowly combine the dry ingredients into the wet, mixing until incorporated but not over mixing the batter. Bake in a 375 degree oven for 20-25 minutes.
Artikel ini berbicara tentang kontroversi yang melibatkan Mike Matusow mengenai tuduhan kemenangannya di World Series of Poker (WSOP). Matusow mulai mempertanyakan kredibilitasnya setelah dia mengumumkan di Twitter bahwa dia telah memenangkan lebih dari yang sebenarnya. Analisis menunjukkan bahwa Matusow menghasilkan keuntungan yang jauh di bawah klaimnya. Ia juga dikenal karena melakukan mark-up tinggi di beberapa turnamen, yang menyebabkan perdebatan tentang etika penjualan investasi. Meskipun banyak penggemar senang membeli tindakan Matusow, hasil menunjukkan bahwa beberapa acara penting mengalami kerugian. Situasi ini menarik perhatian pada isu-isu dan perdebatan dalam dunia poker profesional, terutama yang berkaitan dengan transparansi dan klaim keuntungan.

These muffins were crisp on the outside, fluffy and moist on the inside, and tasted amazing! I highly encourage you to make some of your own! Best part, you can eat them for a nice Sunday morning breakfast without guilt. These babies are delicious warm, right out of the oven, or even cold the next day. You can even eat them with ice cream… um… which I did.

This ice cream recipe came from a dear friend, again, and master chef (well, at least to me) Katie, owner of Making Food And Other Stuff blog. I followed the recipe for the most part, only changing a few things (maybe this is why here’s looks prettier than mine?). It’s really good. And better for breakfast, fresh out of the ice cream maker. 😉 My changes are in blue.
Jude Bellingham mengungkapkan kekecewaannya terhadap performa Borussia Dortmund yang tidak konsisten di Bundesliga, di mana timnya saat ini berada di posisi keenam. Bellingham percaya bahwa posisi tersebut tidak mewakili bakat skuad, terutama setelah penampilannya yang luar biasa di Piala Dunia 2022. Ia mengatakan kepada rekan-rekannya bahwa mereka harus meningkatkan permainan mereka agar mereka dapat mencapai hasil yang lebih baik di paruh kedua musim. Selain itu, Real Madrid sangat tertarik untuk mendapatkan Bellingham, yang dilaporkan siap membayar €120 juta untuknya. Bellingham tetap percaya diri dan berkomitmen untuk melakukan yang terbaik untuk Dortmund terlepas dari tekanan menjadi pemain yang dicari.
Mango Lime Coconut Milk Ice Cream
- 2 cups mango chunks, frozen or fresh
- 1 cup almond milk
- 1 cup coconut milk more almond milk
- 1/2 lime, juiced
- 1 cup lettuce (gotta get in your greens)
- 1 tsp ginger
- pinch salt
- stevia or other sweetener, to taste
- LOVE <—key ingredient
Blend everything until nice and creamy. Freeze in ice cream maker according to directions.
So, it’s September 1st. A whole new month to embark on new journeys, goals, and experiences. What new level can you take on, or create, this month? I am wholeheartedly diving into the deep end of fitness. I am aiming to keep my PR’s coming in CrossFit and working with my personal trainer to be the best I can be physically. And in the world of business, I am getting another promotion (I will do it!) and gain even more bonuses. And at the end of this month, we have a huge business conference in New Orleans! I can’t wait! Cheers to new beginnings and goal setting! 🙂

[…] “PB” Banana Muffins […]
I’m allergic to hemp, unfortunately. Should I leave that out, or replace it with something else?
[…] also gorged on these protein muffins, which were a chocolate version, unpictured. But you can bet these were so delicious that […]
oh my gosh LORI!!! rediculously fabulous muffins! i totally have a mason jar full of hemp flour that a rarely use! ive gotta try some in muffins! im quite amazed that they rose really well too since its hard to make a really amazing muffin with gluten-free flours..but this is fantastic!!!
I like the idea of adding lettuce in your ice cream! I haven’t been using my ice cream maker nearly enough this summer
.-= Madeline – Greens and Jeans´s last blog ..heart =-.
omg. can you adopt me? hehe…i’m drooling over here…and want some peanut butter and banana muffins…ummmm can you hook a girl up??? hehe…just kidding.
I’ve seen that sign before – maybe in the same place when I used to live down there? Remind me where it can be seen?
Congrats on the PR – love your nonchalance about how you psych yourself out. Head game or whatever.
I really like the muffin recipe, and love the almond butter + nooch = pb tip. I think that omitting the baking powder and subbing the bananas with chia sweet, I could probably make a raw and no-sugar version of those that I would like a lot!
I’m doing Tina (of’s ’30 days of reflections on self love’ this month – an awesome challenge to take on!
Good luck with all of your challenges to which you’re rising!
.-= Ela´s last blog ..Final Amazing Grass Products Review Vita-Mix Arrived! Do You Feel Your Presents 30 Days of Self-Love =-.
hahaha I loved that sign! “Please stay seated for the entire performance” Nice 😛 And those muffins look incredible. Gooey banana and peanut butter? Heck yeah!
.-= Mary @ Bites and Bliss´s last blog ..Go- go- gooo!!! =-.
I am ridiculously impressed that you baked yummy muffins that follow the paleo diet! I used to do crossfit but got burnt out.. I like cardio/endurance too much and the 20 minutes just weren’t cutting it for me! But kudos to you and congrats on your PR 🙂
.-= Evan @swEEts´s last blog ..Key Lime Pie Cupcakes =-.
Yay for goals! I KNOW youll reach them! You muffins look like they were coming out of those Martha Stewart magazines! I’m a good chef, but I think my baking needs work…I make ice creams like that too! have you tried using a cold, left over sweet potato? makes is so thick and yummy!
.-= Eden´s last blog ..More Giveaway Winners- Exercise History and Learning to Love Savasana =-.
I love this entry – so many fun things. Those muffins look GOOD. I do think that i will be partaking in just a few:) maybe like…as soon as I make lunch…
Congrats on your business goal. That is so wonderful. So happy for you. What are your next goals for your business?
.-=´s last blog ..Speechless =-.
Lori you rock!! Congrats on the business goal and the bonus!!
muffins with hemp flour, almond butter and nutritional yeast? oh my!!
Can I just say how AMAZING it is that you added lettuce to your ice cream…this takes it onto a whole new level:)
This month I am re-taking a course that I didn’t do well in in University, I’m chugging along on my ND application, focusing really hard on believing in myself, looking into selling kombucha at the market, and writing out my fitness plan (really want to see those abs!)
Great post hun!!
.-= Melissa´s last blog ..2 years =-.
bah! that sign totally made me laugh. thanks for sharing! my BF took down the last bits of my ice cream yesterday which means it is time for a new batch. i’ve got some inspiration now 🙂
.-= kate´s last blog ..Pancake Wednesday!!! =-.
Muffins looks great. That is so cool that your put nutritional yeast in them, very nice!
Ice cream looks great!!!!
.-= Pure2Raw Twins´s last blog ..Ending with a bang! =-.
it even has a belly button! haha. nice sign!
.-= christina´s last blog ..Welcome to Chick-fil-A! =-.
Lori! These recipes both look amazing. I have been considering giving Paleo a go- likely the one eating style I have yet to test run. I made a smoothie for dinner tonight as I am at my cottage and didn’t have much available. I think I could have taken my smoothie ingredients and just made muffins instead.
.-= Meghan (Making Love In The Kitchen)´s last blog ..What To Do With All Those Tomatoes =-.
The muffins look great, darling!! I can NEVER find hemp flour…boooo 🙁
I need to go make sure you are on my blogroll too, love yah, doll 🙂
.-= Laury @thefitnessdish´s last blog ..30 Days of Self-Love- The Moon =-.
that ice cream sounds interesting…wish I had my own churn! Very interesting how you created faux PB- PB ‘Nana Muffins are some of my favorite, nut butter makes it so luscious! ~Em
So many factors, yes. Maybe you got better sleep or had a better breakfast…who knows, who cares?!? You rock!
Lettuce in the ice cream – that’s why it isn’t the vibrant orange color. But, really, it’s about the taste…I assume it was good? How did it freeze, since you didn’t use the fatty coconut milk?
OH!! There is a crossfit CLASS being offered at my school – for just $75 a semester (meets 2 times a week)….but the only session I can make is FULL. GRRR. I am on the wait list…
.-= Katie´s last blog ..Shrooms are meant for snacking =-.