The Health Activist Writer’s Month Challenge (HAWMC): Health Time Capsule, Day 1

30 days, 30 posts.

Dubbed The Health Activist Writer’s Month Challenge, bloggers of all sorts were called to this April challenge – to write for 30 days on healthy and wellness. This challenge is a month of creativity, inspiration, and the opportunity of learning more about ourselves as writers, and others in their quest for optimum health.

Besides visiting WRL everyday, check the WEGO Health Blog for more Health Activists taking part in the challenge. You could also follow along on WRL Facebook Page or Twitter (@WhatRunsLori), or even the WEGO Health Facebook page and on Twitter with #HAWMC to connect with fellow HAWMCers.

I’d also like to get YOUR answers to these prompts for the month. I get tons of inspiration from YOU, the readers. The more you comment, connect on FB or Twitter, or just send me an email, the more WRL becomes a place for YOU. And this blog just wouldn’t be in existence without YOU.

Play along with the prompts and questions for this month’s challenge. Check out this week’s prompts and submit YOUR answers. All of YOUR answers, along with my own, will be posted on each day’s post. 🙂


Today is Day 1 of the 30 day challenge. Today’s writing prompt is about a Health Time Capsule. What if you made one? What if years and years from now someone found it. And opened it. What would they find about health through your eyes…?

I asked myself this question and found it a little insightful in to what really RUNS Lori. I also asked my sister… Here’s what I got:


Peanut butter. Movement. (That was all she could come up with. Hmmm… clearly she just instead invested in the blog as I am…)

Lori (me!):

Daily movements. Positive thoughts. Jump ropes. A medicine ball with workouts written all over it, literally. Pictures of inspirational, strong women, who have built their bodies to be strong and powerful. Books on nutrition, such as Michael Pollen books. Inspirational and motivational documentaries such as, Crazy Sexy Cancer, Food, Inc., Voyage to Betterment, Hungry for Change, Knife and Fork.

All of the above have made a huge impact(s) on who I am, how I eat, the way I move, and what I think about the food industry and what I put into my body. They’ve been influential in my thinking about food and all of our relationships with food. They have given me prompts to think about, write about, and act on.

I’d include my Blendtec blender (love of my life!) and my juicer. Along with some of my super tasty blender recipes (green smoothies!) and my Juicing Bible. I’d actually probably make a book out of all of my bloggin’ delicious recipes and leave it for the next luckies who find my time capsule. They’ll probably get a kick out of using REAL ingredients. You just cannot leave information about health without giving some instructions on how to do so, right?

Let’s hope the World is eating real, whole foods in 100 years.


If you had a health time capsule, what would you put into it? What things and ideas would you include that would tell the World 100 years from today all about you?